Fee: $180.00 per/hr + Out of pocket expenses
Fiduciary Review Work for International Scientific Corporation - Japan Head Office
Fiduciary Resources, Inc, through its principal, Mr. Mendiola-Long, (a
fully licensed ACCREDITED INVESTMENT FIDUCIARY (AIF)) is able to conduct
a Fiduciary REVIEW. Fiduciary Reviews are cursory
reviews of a fund's fiduciary issues and tends to locate weaknesses PRIOR
to an official Fiduciary Audit. Fiduciary Resources, Inc. prides itself on
placing education more important than formally chastising anyone and we believe
that a Fiduciary Audit can be used in the "wrong hands" by individuals
seeking to destroy a board or its members. Fiduciary Resources, Inc. prefers
a more "educational" approach and preaches a Fiduciary Review process
as the first step "toward" a Fiduciary Audit.
The fiduciary review allows boards and trusts a unique look at themselves
and the pitfalls and dangers they are exposing themselves to through the
sifting process of the twenty-seven fiduciary practices. Once this it completed,
the board is free to correct those issues and THEN request a formal AUDIT.
This "self-review" process, lead by our firm, takes about 1-2
months and then another 3-6 months to "fix" or address the issues
which are needed to be corrected by the board.
Fee: $250.00 per/hr + Out of pocket expenses
Fiduciary Resources, Inc. provides court based "expert" testimony at $250 per hour plus expenses. For this fee, the firm provides Mr. Mendiola-Long, AIF™ and his vast knowledge as expert witness testimony for adherence or failure as it relates to Fiduciary Responsibilities.
Most services are required by beneficiaries and or governments, seeking to prove breach of fiduciary responsibility.
Fee: $2,900.00 + Out of pocket expenses (additional fees for boards larger
than 9 members)
US Department of Interior 2004 Island Business Opportunities Conference
2004 CNMI Foreign Investor Conference - Japan
Fiduciary Resources, Inc. is authorized by the Center for Fiduciary Studies to conduct Fiduciary Training Seminars for Boards and Trusts at a fee of $2900.00 for two days of training. This includes the cost of printed seminar material, matrix posters, wallet standard cards and a certificate of completion for up to 9 members. It must be fully disclosed that this training is an extremely fast paced instruction course and in no way is meant to equal the Fiduciary Standards Course officially offered by the Center for Fiduciary Studies. Our firm’s program is meant to “get your feet wet” as to what to expect in the Official Fiduciary Training Course offered by the Center.
For the value and material offered, our training seminar is good start for all boards.
More information on the official training schedule is offered by the Center of Fiduciary Studies.
Fee: $225.00 per/hr + Out of pocket expenses
Fiduciary Resources, Inc. works jointly with other fully qualified and experienced Center for Fiduciary Studies graduates to conduct Fiduciary Audits. Fiduciary Audits are independent, third-party, objective verification, of policies, procedures and adherence to fiduciary responsibilities confirmed to be in adherence to standard fiduciary practice checklists provided by the Center for Fiduciary Studies.
Once an Audit is completed by this firm, it can not enter into any contracts with the client for a period of six months after the final report is submitted.
Fiduciary Speaking Engagements
Fee: $800.00 flat fee + Out of pocket expenses
509th Composite Group
2004 membership meeting
2004 4th Annual Pacific Region Investment Conference - Palau
Fiduciary Resources,
Inc. offers the professional and entertaining speaking services of its
principal, Mr. Mendiola-Long. Engagements are offered to
include a power point presentation and interactive involvement with the
audience as it relates to Fiduciary Responsibilities and industry trends
in the financial
sector. Services for this fee are for a full day's availability that consists
of no more than 8 hours. Hotel, Transportation (air&ground) and food
are to be borne by the client.